(Columna, 2018)
Carlemany per al Foment de la Lectura Award 2017
Menjallibres Award finalist 2019-2020
Novel: young
Literary style: narrative
Language: catalan
Tags: adolescence, child cancer, friendship, love, family
Recommended for: secondary school
Ruth, a 16-year-old girl from a middle-class city, begins her art studies at a new high school far away from her neighborhood. She is surrounded by a new group of friends, a love that knocks on the door and a deep secret that she has been dragging since she was four years old and that she has never shown outside the walls of his house: a long scar and a too narrow waist. they remember every day, from the mirror, that she is missing a part of herself, a good chunk of Ruth that a cancer took away a long time ago. Shame on her body and fear of her return from the disease haunt her, but Ruth learns to look them both in the eye and face them.