(Columna, 2018)
Carlemany per al Foment de la Lectura Award 2017
Menjallibres Award finalist 2019-2020
Novel: young
Literary style: narrative
Language: catalan
Tags: adolescence, child cancer, friendship, love, family
Recommended for: secondary school

Ruth, a 16-year-old girl from a middle-class city, begins her art studies at a new high school far away from her neighborhood. She is surrounded by a new group of friends, a love that knocks on the door and a deep secret that she has been dragging since she was four years old and that she has never shown outside the walls of his house: a long scar and a too narrow waist. they remember every day, from the mirror, that she is missing a part of herself, a good chunk of Ruth that a cancer took away a long time ago. Shame on her body and fear of her return from the disease haunt her, but Ruth learns to look them both in the eye and face them.

«An author who writes flawlessly. A magnificent book.»

Anna Guitart, Els Matins.

«Muriel portrays with true mastery the emotional experience that is so traumatic for a child to live with a disease like cancer. A book that must be read, for everything it narrates, for everything that invites you to reflect and for everything that makes you feel. Well done Muriel, you’ve done it again!»

Sílvia Cantos, Us recomano.

«Villanueva has been able to touch the scars of this woman with great delicacy and transfer them to the skin of her Rut. […] It flows like water until the end, it stops in the corners of restlessness, in questions and in intimacy.»

Núria Albesa, La Vanguàrdia.

«Muriel Villanueva has managed to move away from romantic youth novels characters suffering like never before, an impossible and fatally determined love. She has created a story with a background that weighs heavily on the characters but has managed to surround it with positivism, hope and light, despite the illness.»

Marta Gil, Nosaltres Llegim.

«Rut sense Hac is a friendly, attractive book that you cannot stop reading. With well-defined characters and a captivating story. Muriel Vilanueva manages to make this book the introduction to reading that many want.»

Álvaro Muñoz, Llegir en cas d’incendi.

What readers say

«It was such a pleasure! You write perfectly and you pass the emotions in a pure and straight way

Dolors Millat.

«You left me speechless. Rut sense Hac has left so many feelings while reading it. Thank you for being so sensitive.»

Natàlia Ramos.

«I couldn’t stop until I finished! It is amazing how you narrate the story, how you made me empathize with every single character. The way you treat feelings, all of them so well chosen!»

Mar Font.

«How I appreciate a youth novel that talks about love without dragging the ultra bad topics preached by those that are labeled “teenage romantic novels.” Sharp and fresh. And written with a literary richness full of emotions that do not go unnoticed. My grandmother has read it and just wanted it not to end. The final chapter has been read three times. I found it magnificent!, she told me. And that she look for novels like this one because time flies by! It has been read within two days!»

Mònica Farré.