(Flamboyant, 2018)
Illustrated by: Ferran Orta
Original: Groc i rodó
Novel: children’s
Literary style: narrative
Language: catalan, spanish, chinese, korean, czech
Tags: enuresis, secrets, shame
Recommended for: junior school

The holidays have arrived and it’s time to leave for camp. But he doesn’t feel like it. He has a yellow, round secret that appears on his sheet every night and he doesn’t want to share it. What will be this annoying secret? Will he be able to break free and enjoy the camp?

An album that confronts our own fears and invites us to get over them.

Visit the translations to catalan, koreanchinese and czech.

«Quina sort ser xiquet i poder estendre al sol el llençol de la pena com una bandera, com una declaració i veure que no estem sols, ni som petits, ni —afortunadament— som perfectes.»

Joanjo Garcia, escriptor.

«Un personatge que fa que et posis molt a la seva pell i pateixis tot allò que li passa.»

Mercè Galí, il·lustradora.